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Re: zsh 4.x bug in completion?

On Mon, Jul 09, 2001 at 08:31:39PM +0100,
Oliver Kiddle <opk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter Stephenson wrote:
> > 
> > There's a list of `possible incompatibilities' in the README.  It would be
> > good if you could list any others you found.  I'm sure there must be more
> > I've forgotten about.
> Before we start listing this as a known incompatibility, I should just
> point out that I can't reproduce this "bug". This may be something to do
> with vi/emacs keybindings and how you move the cursor to the `e' of
> echo. I can't think of much else seeing as the example starts from zsh
> -f. Can anyone else reproduce it?

I can.
~> zsh -f
picard% bindkey -e
picard% bindkey ^i expand-or-complete-prefix
picard% echo test
picard% su-echo test          <- cursor on e, hit TAB
picard% su-to-root echo test  (cursor on e, hit enter)
zsh: command not found: su-to-rootecho

Then again, I still have zsh-4.0.1 ;-)

> Oliver


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