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Possible bug? in _values and menu completion

When _values does not play nicely with menu completion in common cas

_values -s , "description" $values

E.g. look at _mount:

{pts/2}% mount -t ext2 -o async,
Completing file system options
async      -- do all I/O asynchronously
atime      -- update access time

press a-a-m-c:

{pts/2}% mount -t ext2 -o async atime,
Completing file system options
async      -- do all I/O asynchronously
atime      -- update access time
auto       -- can be mounted with -a

i.e. values are not put in one word but seperated by ','.

I even vaguely recall it has been already discussed? Sorry, I seem to
mostly miss what happened in last several months.


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