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Re: Curious result from "git" completion

At 11:33 -0700 07 Apr 2013, Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Background: I have my own CVS repository with a slightly customized zsh
module.  It has stuff that's it's not really appropriate to push up to
sourceforge, e.g., Makefile changes to be able to compile the docs under
obsolete versions of texinfo, and the like.  I use it to pull sources
onto some hosts where git is not installed and it's a hassle to arrange
for it to be.  I have a script that previously sync'd CVS at sourceforge
into a local sandbox based on my repository, which I'm updating to base
the remote repository on git.  The sync depends on being able to do a
multi-way diff against a clean tree that has no version control clutter,
which until the cutover I would generate with "cvs export".

Another option for that may be to do a clone using the --separate-git-dir option to store the information that would normally be in .git someplace else. That would create a .git file at the top level of the clone rather than the usual directory, so it wouldn't be completely clean but it would be very small with just a pointer to the actual repository location. That has the benefit that such a clone is still completely usable with git commands.

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