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PATCH: _ss

Attached is a new completion function for ss: a Linux only replacement
for netstat. ss allows you to specify filters instead of using grep but
the documentation for these is not in the manpage. Having zsh
complete them makes ss rather more usable.

It may be possible to complete something more useful for link and
netlink sockets but I don't know much about them and there aren't any
active on my system.


diff --git a/Completion/Linux/Command/_ss b/Completion/Linux/Command/_ss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95aa798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Completion/Linux/Command/_ss
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#compdef ss
+local curcontext="$curcontext" suf ret=1
+local -a state line expl pref filt
+local -A opt_args
+local info="-h -V --help --version"
+local sx="state exclude"
+_arguments -C -s \
+  "(- *)"{-h,--help}'[show option summary]' \
+  "(- *)"{-V,--version}'[show version information]' \
+  "($info -n --numeric)"{-n,--numeric}"[don't resolve service names]" \
+  "($info -r --resolve)"{-r,--resolve}'[resolve host addresses]' \
+  "($info -a --all -l --listening)"{-a,--all}'[display all sockets]' \
+  "($info -l --listening -a --all)"{-l,--listening}'[display listening sockets]' \
+  "($info -o --options -e --extended)"{-o,--options}'[show timer information]' \
+  "($info -e --extended -o --options)"{-e,--extended}'[show detailed information]' \
+  "($info -m --memory)"{-m,--memory}'[show socket memory usage]' \
+  "($info -p --processes)"{-p,--processes}'[show process using each socket]' \
+  "($info -i --info)"{-i,--info}'[show internal TCP information]' \
+  "($info -s --summary)"{-s,--summary}'[print summary statistics]' \
+  "($info -4 --ipv4 -6 --ipv6)"{-4,--ipv4}'[display only IP version 4 sockets]' \
+  "($info -4 --ipv4 -6 --ipv6)"{-6,--ipv6}'[display only IP version 6 sockets]' \
+  "($info -0 --packet)"{-0,--packet}'[display PACKET sockets]' \
+  "($info -t --tcp)"{-t,--tcp}'[display TCP sockets]' \
+  "($info -u --udp)"{-u,--udp}'[display UDP sockets]' \
+  "($info -d --dccp)"{-d,--dccp}'[display DCCP sockets]' \
+  "($info -w --raw)"{-w,--raw}'[display RAW sockets]' \
+  "($info -x --unix)"{-x,--unix}'[display Unix domain sockets]' \
+  "($info -f --family)"{-f,--family}'[display sockets of specified type]:family:(unix inet inet6 link netlink)' \
+  "($info -A --query --socket)"{-A,--query,--socket}'[specify socket tables to show]: :_values -s , socket\ table all inet tcp udp raw unix packet netlink unix_dgram unix_stream packet_raw packet_dgram' \
+  "($info -D)"{-D,--diag=}'[dump raw info to file]:file:_files' \
+  "($info -F)"{-F,--filter=}'[read filter information from a file]:file:_files' \
+  "($info)*: :->filter" && ret=0
+if [[ -n $state ]]; then
+  case $words[CURRENT-1] in
+  (d|s)port)
+    _wanted operators expl operator \
+      compadd \< \> \= \>= \<= \== \!= eq ge gt lt le ne && ret=0
+  ;;
+  dst|src)
+    if compset -P unix: || (( $+opt_args[-x] + $+opt_args[--unix] )) || [[ $opt_args[-f] = unix ]]; then
+      _files -g '*(=)' && ret=0
+    elif compset -P nl:; then
+      if compset -P \*:; then
+        _pids && ret=0
+      else
+        _message channel
+      fi
+    elif compset -P link:; then
+      compset -P \*: && _message ifindex || _message protocol
+    else
+      compset -P 'inet(6|):'
+      pref=$?
+      compset -S ':*' || suf="-qS:"
+      if compset -P \*:; then
+        _ports && ret=0
+      elif compset -P \*/; then
+        _wanted netmasks expl netmask compadd $suf {1..31} && ret=0
+      elif (( pref )); then
+        _alternative \
+          "hosts:host:_hosts $suf" \
+          "prefixes:prefix:compadd $suf nl link unix" && ret=0
+      else
+        _hosts $suf && ret=0
+      fi
+    fi
+  ;;
+  state|exclude)
+    _wanted states expl state compadd -M 'm:{a-zA-Z_}={A-Za-z-}' \
+      all connected synchronized bucket big && ret=0
+  ;;
+  *)
+    if [[ $words[CURRENT-2] = (d|s)port ]]; then
+      compset -P '*:' || pref=(-P :)
+      _ports $pref
+      return
+    else
+      (( $#line > 1 )) && [[ ${words[CURRENT-1]:Q} != (and|or|\() ]] &&
+          filt=( "($sx)*"{and,or} )
+      _values -w -s ' ' -S ' ' filter $filt \
+        "*state[sockets in specified state]" \
+        "*exclude[sockets not in specified state]" \
+        "($sx)*src[local address/port of socket]" \
+        "($sx)*dst[peer address/port of socket]" \
+        "($sx)*dport[peer port]: :(lt gt ge)" \
+        "($sx)*sport[local port]" \
+        "($sx)*autobound[socket bound to ephemeral port]" \
+        "($sx)*"{not,\(,\)} && ret=0
+    fi
+  ;;
+  esac
+return ret

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