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zsh make(1) completion on FreeBSD


The _make completion script has the following snippet:

case "$OSTYPE" in
    _make-parseMakefile $PWD < <(_call_program targets "$words[1]"
-nsp -f "$file" 4| .PHONY 2> /dev/null)

That is, _call_program invokes the make command ($words[1]) with the
given options (-nsp...) to get the make database. The issue is the
default make utility in FreeBSD is not GNU Make and it does not
support these options; to get something in FreeBSD make, we could use
the -d option (for debugging), along with A (for all) -- see [1] for

If one has gmake installed, one can replace "$words[1]" with gmake or
g"$words[1]" to have gmake dump the database info, but I'm not sure
it's the ideal solution.

[1] https://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=make&apropos=0&sektion=1&manpath=FreeBSD+11-current&arch=default&format=html

G. Salazar

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