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Re: Five New Test Failures

> 2020/07/07 23:14, Vin Shelton <acs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> -<zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in
> /opt/build/zsh-2020-07-07/Test/options.tmp \[yn\]\?
> <zsh: sure you want to delete all <-> files in / \[yn\]\?
> +>nuc2% zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in
> /opt/build/zsh-2020-07-07/Test/options.tmp [yn]?

It seems the prompt 'nuc2% ' is not consumed by the line
      zpty -rt subshell REPLY # "${PS1} rm *"
in the test. Which operating system are you using?

On Fedora32 and Ubuntu20.04 and I got a different diff:
Pattern match failed, line 1:
-<zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in /home/takimoto/src/zsh/Test/options.tmp \[yn\]\? 
 <zsh: sure you want to delete all <-> files in / \[yn\]\? 
+>zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in /home/takimoto/src/zsh/Test/options.tmp [yn]? n
 >zsh: sure you want to delete all 20 files in / [yn]? n

There is no prompt problem here, but the 'n' sent by the test is
echoed back and causes the failure.

On macOS, the diff is:
Pattern match failed, line mismatch (2/1):
 <zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in /Users/takimoto/dev/src/zsh/zsh/Test/options.tmp \[yn\]\? 
 <zsh: sure you want to delete all <-> files in / \[yn\]\? 

In this case virtually no response from the zpty.

The following patch seems to work on the above three systems,
but there is a possibility that it fails with very low probability.
I haven't tested on other OSs.

diff --git a/Test/E01options.ztst b/Test/E01options.ztst
index c59509f2e..d8b3d7d21 100644
--- a/Test/E01options.ztst
+++ b/Test/E01options.ztst
@@ -1435,9 +1435,9 @@ F:If this test fails at the first unsetopt, refer to P01privileged.ztst.
       zpty subshell $ZTST_testdir/../Src/zsh -f
       [[ $PWD == */options.tmp ]] || return 1 # Sanity check before calling rm(1).
       zpty -w subshell "rm $target_pattern"
-      zpty -w subshell 'n'
+      zpty -w -n subshell 'n'
+      zpty -r -m subshell REPLY $'*rm *\n'
       sleep 1
-      zpty -rt subshell REPLY # "${PS1} rm *"
       zpty -rt subshell REPLY && print -r -- ${REPLY%%$'\r\n'}
       zpty -d subshell
       after=`ls -a -- $target_dir`
@@ -1448,5 +1448,5 @@ F:If this test fails at the first unsetopt, refer to P01privileged.ztst.
-*>zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in ${PWD:h}/options.tmp \[yn\]\? ${BEL}
-*>zsh: sure you want to delete all <-> files in / \[yn\]\? ${BEL}
+*>zsh: sure you want to delete all 15 files in ${PWD:h}/options.tmp \[yn\]\? ${BEL}(|n)
+*>zsh: sure you want to delete all <-> files in / \[yn\]\? ${BEL}(|n)

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