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Re: [PATCH] vcs-info: Avoid error messages in bare git repositories

I wrote:
> A user reported error messages in bare repositories. I tracked this down to:
>     gitbase=$( ${vcs_comm[cmd]} rev-parse --show-toplevel 2> /dev/null )
>     fatal: this operation must be run in a work tree
> I do wonder though, why this happens. Git didn't stop printing the error
> to stderr. Shouldn't the redirection to /dev/null inside the command
> substitution take care of this?

I talked to Daniel  about this off-list. As it turns out,  I was using a
vendor package, and didn't bother to check the current code. So much for
being thorough. Thanks to Daniel for the nudge in the right direction!

Disregard the patch.

Regards, Frank

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