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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

> On 07 February 2021 at 21:06 dana <dana@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 7 Feb 2021, at 11:10, Marlon Richert <marlon.richert@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Now, if I want to work on this, where should I start? Should I fork
> > https://gitlab.com/zsh-sensible/zsh-sensible ?
> I haven't been following the list super closely the last several months but
> afaik most people seemed to agree in principle that a 'do the right thing'
> default config would be nice. Obviously as Bart said everyone is going to want
> to discuss exactly what that entails — it seems like just proposing the file
> with the settings you want would be a good way to start that process? Whether
> you do the work on GitLab or not doesn't matter, but most of the actual
> discussion would presumably be on the list

Yes, this approach takes away all tricky questions.  I think we were simply
waiting for someone to do this, so now would be an excellent opportunity.

One question is how much commenting to add to the defaults.  If there's
enough to say "this does this but you might want to try this instead..."
you get the benefits of configurability, but it's there for when the
user wants it, rather immediately they start the shell when they don't
know what they're doing; disk space is cheap.  But we could also
provide a separate fully commented version to keep the initialisation
file neat.  This isn't a duplicate of the shell doc since it's basically
examples.  That might be the best of all worlds.


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