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Re: Rewrite of zsh-newuser-install

Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> FWIW, I use dim in my vcs_info output (see 47519, referenced by 48435).

The dim attribute doesn't appear to have any effect with my terminal

> > Where I would really like to use it is in $zle_highlight, but it’s not supported there. :(
> Incidentally, just yesterday z-sy-h received a (duplicate) bug report
> requesting, ultimately, that $zle_highlight grow support for italics.

I did recently apply 47510 (0721060) which makes two bits available in
zattr which would be enough for one attribute, i.e. italics. Would now
be fairly easy to add if someone wants to give it a go - just copy and
paste from bold/reverse/underline. Only danger is if we find that 47510
causes problems and needs to be backed out.


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