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[BUG] zsh/param/private scoping error

The following two functions are normally equivalent:

() { typeset -g tst }
() { tst= }

Both result in a global variable 'tst' being created. However when the
second function is called from a function that happens to declare a
private variable with the same name, it no longer creates a global
variable but instead aborts with an error:

% () { private tst; () { tst= } }
(anon):1: tst: attempt to assign private in nested scope

This is not how one would expect private variables to behave. Inside
the inner function, the private variable should be completely out of
scope and the `tst=` statement should result in the creation of a
global variable.

Note that the error above does not happens when there already exists a
global variable with the same name:

% typeset -g tst
% () { private tst; () { tst= } }

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