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Re: [Bug] $jobstates does not work in $()

On Wed, 2022-03-02 at 09:44 +0000, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> Peter Stephenson wrote on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 10:40 +00:00:
> Is this testable?  Sorry, haven't got time to write a test myself right now.

We could do something like this.


diff --git a/Test/W02jobs.ztst b/Test/W02jobs.ztst
index b09f2ac62..d52888dd9 100644
--- a/Test/W02jobs.ztst
+++ b/Test/W02jobs.ztst
@@ -144,12 +144,14 @@
   zpty_input 'sleep 3 &'
   zpty_input 'jobs -r'
+  zpty_input '(jobs -r)'
   zpty_input 'print -- -'
   zpty_input 'jobs -s'
 0:`jobs -r` and `jobs -s` with running job
 *>\[1] [0-9]##
 *>\[1]  + running*sleep*
+*>\[1]  + running*sleep*
diff --git a/Test/W03jobparameters.ztst b/Test/W03jobparameters.ztst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..474adfaec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/W03jobparameters.ztst
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Tests for interactive job control with parameter state
+  if zmodload zsh/zpty 2> /dev/null; then
+    zpty_start() {
+      export PS1= PS2=
+      zpty -d
+      zpty zsh "${(q)ZTST_testdir}/../Src/zsh -fiV +Z"
+    }
+    zpty_input() {
+      zpty -w zsh "${(F)@}" $'\n'
+    }
+    zpty_line() {
+      local REPLY
+      integer i
+      for (( i = 0; i < ${1:-1}; ++i )); do
+        zpty -r zsh REPLY
+        print -r -- ${REPLY%%($'\r\n'|$'\n')}
+      done
+    }
+    zpty_stop() {
+      # exit twice in case of check_jobs
+      zpty -w zsh $'exit\nexit\n'
+      # zpty gives no output when piped without these braces (?)
+      { zpty -r zsh } | sed $'/[^[:space:]]/!d; s/\r$//;'
+      zpty -d
+      :
+    }
+    if ! zmodload zsh/parameter 2> /dev/null; then
+      ZTST_unimplemented='the zsh/parameter module is not available'
+    fi
+  else
+    ZTST_unimplemented='the zsh/zpty module is not available'
+  fi
+  zpty_start
+  zpty_input 'sleep 3 &'
+  zpty_input 'print $jobstates'
+  zpty_input '(print $jobstates)'
+  zpty_input 'jobs -s'
+  zpty_stop
+0:$jobstate for running job in main shell and subshell
+*>\[1] [0-9]##

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