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Re: rsync completions

On Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 11:08 AM Alan Orth <alan.orth@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> A few months ago the zsh completions for rsync stopped working correctly.

So if this is a problem introduced by those quoting changes in rsync
3.2.x, then the rsync completion has to become version-aware, which I
see is what fish has done.

I'm not able to tell what ramifications this has when the remote
version differs significantly from the local version; it doesn't
appear fish is taking that into account, so perhaps it doesn't matter.

A quick workaround for you, Alan, is likely to be
alias rsync='rsync --old-args'

There might even be a clever way to insert --old-args into $BUFFER
only when completion has been invoked, but completion widgets don't
play well with "ordinary" line edits so I'm not going there just now.

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