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Re: command line tabbing message '_arguments:comparguments:409: not enough arguments'

> 2022/10/04 12:43, I wrote:

> Please try the following:
> % /path/to/zsh -f
> % autoload -Uz compinit
> % compinit
> % echo $fpath
> % cmd <TAB>

Sorry, if FPATH is exported then it is inherited by the child
zsh even if it is started with option -f. So the above will not work.

You can check whether FPATH is exported of not by

% typeset -p FPATH

If it shows 'export ...' then it is exported. You can 'un-export' it
by 'typeset +x FPATH'. So you may try

% typeset +x FPATH
% /path/to/zsh
% echo $fpath
% cmd <TAB>

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