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Re: Is there any desire to support languages other than English in zsh?

> On 06/06/2023 16:20 Agron Selimaj <as9902613@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> However, I am not sure the zsh project supports gettext (and POEdit) throughout.
> So, in order to support localization in general, we first must use gettext everywhere. 
> Is this something this team is willing to do?

This is certainly a useful thing to do, however previous discussions suggest there is
no one around to do the considerable amount of work that supporting databases on this
scale would require.  We would certainly be able and willing to support anyone who did
have the time to do the work, though.

I could see an alternative of allowing zsh's own message system to use zsh associative
variables to retrieve messages --- the advantage being that the internal support
required within the shell is much more limited as everything else can be done at
the shell language level.   But I have detected no enthusiasm for this proposal in
the past.


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