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Re: 'zstyle ':predict' verbose true' hangs on zsh 4.2.1

* Bart Schaefer (2004-08-18 03:14 +0200)
> On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>> "zstyle ':predict' verbose true" doesn't work with the newest zsh.
> schaefer<509> echo $ZSH_VERSION
> 4.2.1-dev-1
> If from here I type ^X^Z, I see
> schaefer<510> _
> predict-on
> (with the cursor at the underscore).  Type ^Z and I get
> schaefer<510> _
> predict-off
> [...]
> There are a lot of things about predict-on et al. that could be improved
> with some of the newer zsh features, but this bit is working for me.  Can
> you narrow it down to any other settings?

Well, I thought it was simple, but here is what I experience:

thorsten@wolfbrand% zstyle ':predict' verbose false
thorsten@wolfbrand% _
thorsten@wolfbrand% zstyle ':predict' verbose true

zsh is 4.2.1. I deleted my whole .zshrc (except the initialisation for
predict and I always see the same - local on my Gentoo Linux box and
remote via ssh. With rxvt and with "konsole".

What information can I give you to narrow the problem?!

This is the base initialisation:

autoload -U predict-on; predict-on
zle-line-init() { predict-on }
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N predict-on
zle -N predict-off
zstyle ':predict' verbose true


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