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Re: zsh versus tcsh's "complete=enhance"

* Jörgen Grahn (2006-04-30 17:01 +0000)
> Before I switched from tcsh (used it for approximately fifteen years) to zsh,
> I depended heavily on the complete=enhance setting. From tcsh(1):
>     If the complete shell variable is set to enhance', completion 1) ignores
>     case and 2) considers periods, hyphens and underscores (.', -' and _')
>     to be word separators and hyphens and underscores to be equivalent.
> For example, ~/News/c.o.l.an might expand to ~/News/Comp.os.linux.announce.
> And it works on commands too: s_ad expands to ssh-add.
> Zsh has the case-insensitive part of it, which is nice. How about the rest?
> I googled around a bit, but I have only seen the question raised (as early
> as in 1997), not answered.

I have this in my .zshrc:

# case-insensitive and partial-word then substring
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} m:[-._]=[-._] r:|[-./_]=** r:|=*' '+l:|=*'


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