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Re: Feature-request

In the last episode (Aug 27), Bart Schaefer said:
> On Aug 27,  8:17pm, James Andrewartha wrote:
> }
> } At least with gnome-terminal and putty,
> } 
> } bindkey "^[[Z" reverse-menu-complete
> The esc-[-Z sequence for shift+tab does seem to be standard in more
> recent versions of X11 (possibly Xorg but not XFree86?), though I'm
> not having any luck tracking down where it gets set.  E.g., it works
> in my xterm on RedHat EL4, but not RedHat EL3, and it's not getting
> assigned in the app-defaults.

There's also a termcap string for the back-tab keystroke: kB.

zmodload zsh/termcap
bindkey ${termcap[kB]:-"^[[Z"} reverse-menu-complete

	Dan Nelson

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