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Re: widget special PREFIX variable and cursor position with complete_in_word

Yuri, Oliver,

This thread has been very interesting, but also a bit hard to follow. Would
any one of you care to share the final version of your solution, in a more
concise form? The functionality seems very useful to me.

On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Yuri D'Elia <wavexx@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 02/18/2014 07:07 PM, Oliver Kiddle wrote:
> > I intentionally prevented it from highlighting the first (or only)
> > character. As I said in the first message, it seems fairly pointless.
> > The underlining doesn't make the completion list easier to read quickly
> > so it needs to be useful. It also isn't ideal when you get an underlined
> > space as that looks like an underscore.
> Sorry, now the expression clicked for me.
> It was failing for the following:
> touch 'file a'
> touch 'file b'
> ls file\ <TAB>
> which made me disregard it too quickly. Interestingly it fails due to
> the fact that $MATCH:q is translating ' ' to '\ ' (which should be
> literal in this context). Same for the quotes.
> I'm not sure whether it would be more feasible to manually escape a
> selected set of characters, or do something like the following:
> local lit=' \''"'
> ZLS_COLORS+=":=${prefix[1,-2]//?/(}${prefix[1,-2]//(#m)?/${${MATCH:q}//\\[$lit]/$MATCH}|)}${${prefix[-1]:q}//\\[$lit]/$prefix[-1]}(#b)(?|)*==4"
> which will simply unescape what's needed.
> The choice of underscore is arbitrary. I was using bold before, but the
> font I'm currently using has almost the same weight, which was difficult
> to distinguish. Underline/underscore are different enough for me.

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