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Re: completion fails if dir referenced via variable.

Bart wrote:
> On Feb 25, 10:25am, Ray Andrews wrote:
> }
> } It seems intuitive that one should be able to have more than one 
> } expansion and/or completion per line, not just one, does it not? Why the 
> } artificial limitation?
> It's not a limitation, it's that way so that two tabs in a row enters
> menu completion on the same set of answers.  You have to do something

Menu completion is only an option because _expand adds both
all-expansions and original as matches. When there's only one match,
that gets inserted and a subsequent tab will start completion anew.

original is always fairly useless because a key bound to undo gets you
back to the original fairly easily. So does the following help?

  zstyle ':completion:*:expand:*' tag-order all-expansions


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