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Re: print color escapes

On Jan 1,  7:50pm, Ray Andrews wrote:
} Subject: Re: print color escapes
} On 01/01/2015 06:45 PM, Kurtis Rader wrote:
} > On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx 
} > <mailto:rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
} >
} >     I've often wished for a programmer's font, who's point is to make
} >     all characters very distinct
} >
} > "Andale Mono" and "Inconsolata" are two reasonably good options

Or anything with "console" or "terminal" in its name may be a good bet
if you don't have those available.

Some of your non-technical email may look strange if you force your mail
reader to display in those fonts, though.

} I've never tried to add a font to Linux, can you point me in 
} the right direction?  Some good doc?

It depends on your Linux distribution, probably.  Usually you install
fonts as software packages like you'd install any other program.  In
your package manager, try searching for "truetype" or "ttfont" or just

(And once again we've wandered off-topic, but it's hard to use a shell
without a good fixed-width font.)

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