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Re: Counting characters in command output?

On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 4:29 PM Ray Andrews <rayandrews@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In this case Mark had an issue, Roman agreed that the default was
> not optimal, and I'm agreeing with them.

My little opinion doesn't constitute a detailed proposal for change,
nor does it represent an alternative solution that might have been
applicable in the past. I harbor doubts about its potential to evolve
into anything substantial, acknowledging that any such development
would necessitate effort I'm not prepared to expend. Given the minimal
effort I've dedicated to forming this opinion, I recognize that others
are under no obligation to engage with or comment on it. I've aimed to
express my thoughts modestly to accurately reflect my assessment of
their value, though I concede I may not have fully succeeded. When you
agree with my opinion and wish for a vote, you give it more credit
than it deserves. It's not developed enough for either of these


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