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Re: triviality regarding $# counts

On Fri, Apr 12, 2024, at 10:28 PM, Ray Andrews wrote:
> On 2024-04-12 18:33, Mark J. Reed wrote:
>> More context would clarify what you're trying to do and how best to do 
>> it. Without that context, the approach you're currently taking feels 
>> deeply weird. Can you not provide sample input and desired output? 
>> Maybe with all of your code rather than a few snippets from "so deep 
>> they need eval", whatever that means...
> Context would be very difficult, trust me.  You'd hafta run the thing.  
> But yes, it could all be deeply weird, I have nothing to build from but 
> my own notions of how things should work.

We all understand that it can be difficult to boil a problem down
to a tractable, self-contained example.  But the alternative you've
chosen -- presenting baffling examples without necessary context,
describing your debugging attempts in vague terms without concrete
details, and inventing deeply bogus theories instead of consulting
the documentation first -- is making it difficult for us to help.


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