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Re: up-line-or-search still 'fixed'!

"Bart Schaefer" <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> The question is, why did the behavior of up-line-or-search (and down-*)
> change from zsh 3.0.x to zsh 3.1.x?
> The answer is the same as the answer to the question, why did the behavior
> of history-search-backward (and *-forward) change?

Ah, that would explain why I'm sometimes surprised by what M-p
produces.  You're right, it's broken; I just hadn't really noticed
properly and found out what was broken.

If I type "ls foo<M-p>", I'm clearly looking for a line beginning with
"ls foo", not one beginning with "ls".

As you say, one solution would be a special mode, like the incremental
modes, which would remember what they were looking for. 

Another one---which I think I'd find acceptable---would be not to move
the cursor, so history-search-backward would always search for the
text before the cursor.  Or has that been tried, and people hated it?

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