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Possible impact of RE: PATCH: large file support on SunOS 5

The LFS_CFLAGS (or, for that matter, LFS64_CFLAGS) make the off_t and ino_t
64 bit long. Dunno about Solaris, but at least on our system they are of
type "long long" and there is no standard portable way to print 64 bit
integers (if sizeof(long) < 8). Our system is using %lld; Solaris is using
%qd if I'm not wrong.

This has impact at least on stat module (and possibly others) that print
file size and inode. It has possible impact on zftp module that has to
correctly count transferred bytes (and our ftp is able to transfer more than
2GB - I'd expect it from zftp as well).  And may be some others.

What I want to say - it is not enough to simply compile a program with
correct flags - program must be able to correctly handle large files.

Can anybody who knows zsh internals better confirm, that zsh is really able
to handle large files?


P.S. I am running zsh in LP64 mode for quite a long time. This is different,
as in this case all of off_t, ino_t and long are 8 bytes, so nothing in the
code changes. May be, if a system supports LP64 we should prefer it to LFS?

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