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Re: zsh bug

Glenn Trigg <glenn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> typed:
:The version of zsh I'm using is 3.0.6-pre-2 with gjb's "color-n-editing"
:patch applied.
:The wierd behaviour happens when I do the following:
:kill -1 $(cat /var/run/ine
:when I hit tab there, the line completes as:
:kill -1 $(cat /var/run/ineetd.pid
:I.e I get the extra letter which is the letter at the end when I hit

And it's reproducible with "zsh -f" (vanilla 3.0.6-pre-2)
Geoff Wing   <gcw@xxxxxxxxx>     NEW>>>>Mobile : (Australia) 0413 431 874
Work URL: http://www.primenet.com.au/   Ego URL: http://pobox.com/~gcw/

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