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Re: Feature freeze for 3.1.6? RE: pws-24

"Andrej Borsenkow" wrote:
> I actually suggest feature freeze for this release. Or it is pretty likely th
> at
> it will never come out :-0

In my experience, this has turned out to be something of a red herring in
the past.  The major problems with previous releases haven't been with new
features, which tend to evolve anyway as real users get their hands on
them, but on necessary improvements to the shell code; simple new features
which turn out to be a real benefit (parameters, options, etc.)  don't
cause any trouble.  However, anything major is now certainly going to have
to wait.

> I really think, that 3.1.6 is at least misleading and something like 4.0.0-pr
> e1
> would be much more appropriate. The initial aim of 3.1.x was to implement
> modules, and current 3.1.5-pwsNN set has developed far beyond this.

You're right that 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 don't look much alike.  However, I want 4
to be a non-beta release from the word go (ideally with not many major
changes from `3.1.6', but that will depend how things go), and I'd like to
stick to the convention that all `proper' releases are just X.Y, with extra
tags only for intermediate (non-released) versions.  How about something
like 3.1.99? or even 3.99? or something?

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       Tel: +39 050 844536
WWW:  http://www.ifh.de/~pws/
Dipartimento di Fisica, Via Buonarroti 2, 56127 Pisa, Italy

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