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Re: PATCH: Support file url in _urls

Tanaka Akira (akr@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> In article <37FC873C.F3257422@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>   Oliver Kiddle <opk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > What is the bookmark url scheme? Is it something specific to Netscape or
> > Lynx because if so, handling of it should move to _lynx/_netscape. Or,
> > maybe we need to provide a way of specifying which url schemes are supported.
> > Lynx supports a finger url for example. 
> Try
> zsh% mkdir -p ~/.zsh/urls/bookmark/list
> zsh% echo http://www.zsh.org/mla/ > ~/.zsh/urls/bookmark/list/zsh
> zsh% lynx bookmark:list/zsh<TAB>
> ->
> zsh% lynx http://www.zsh.org/mla/
> This is zsh level bookmark implementation and not browser specific.

Incidentally, I've recently written a Perl module which parses
Netscape bookmark files, and a program which harnesses this to
generate the ~/.zsh/urls hierarchy.  It will be more freely available
when I get around to CPANifying the module, but for now if anyone's
interested in it, drop me a mail.

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