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Re: Completion system directories

Peter Stephenson <pws@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> typed:
:Bart wrote:
:> There's no way using :pserver:, but since we have shell access to the
:> repository ...

?  We've shell access to shell1 (orbital).  We don't have shell access
to the repository machine (slayer).  Do we?
:> If we can impose a moritorium on commits for a while, we can simply copy
:> the ,v files to new directories in the repository, and then "cvs remove"
:> the originals.  (We could use mv rather than cp, but that messes up the
:> "cvs update" of people's existing checked-out sandboxes.  The only way
:> to make checked-out copies go away cleanly is to "cvs remove"/commit.)

:I don't like mucking around in the archive in this way because it means we
:can no longer checkout old versions of the shell.  As far as I'm concerned
:using cvs add/remove would be perfectly OK.

Pretty much the only useful way to do it is:
1) cvs remove/cvs commit the file
2) copy the file (now in the Attic directory) to the new directory
3) edit the new file to change the state of all revisions except the
   newest to Dead and change the newest to Exp

And do all this via a script because it would be too easy for people to
make mistakes.  However, all this requires direct access on the

Geoff Wing : <gcw@xxxxxxxxx>     Work URL: http://www.primenet.com.au/
Rxvt Stuff : <gcw@xxxxxxxx>      Ego URL : http://pobox.com/~gcw/
Zsh Stuff  : <gcw@xxxxxxx>       Phone   : (Australia) 0413 431 874

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