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PATCH: stop "make test" from sometimes failing

I noticed that "make test" could sometimes fail in the 07cond.ztst
file if the creation of the unmodified file happened in the same
second as the "cat" of its (empty) contents.  To work around this,
I just added a "sleep 1" to the file, and now it always succeeds.


---8<------8<------8<------8<---cut here--->8------>8------>8------>8---
Index: Test/07cond.ztst
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 # can't be bothered with -S
+  sleep 1
   cat unmodified
   touch newnewnew
   [[ -N newnewnew && ! -N unmodified ]]
---8<------8<------8<------8<---cut here--->8------>8------>8------>8---

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