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Re: Making built-in completion recognize : as word boundary

"Matthias B." wrote:
> > Try:
> >   setopt magicequalsubst
> Doesn't help. Nor would I expect it to based on the documentation. It says
> nothing about effects on TAB-completion.

Sorry, I was getting mixed up between colons and equals. It does affect
the shell function based completion for colons. I expect Bart's answer
will be more helpful.

> Yes. The shell function based completion is slow (ever tried it on a
> 500MHz machine? That's what I'm writing this message on.) and more

I regularly use it on a NAS box that is probably slower (600MHz, low
power, ARM-based) and I've used it on much slower machines in the past.
You can speed it up by cutting down the number of completers and by
configuring it in areas where you find it slow. However I appreciate
that there's a lot of complexity to learn about to do that.


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