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Re: [PATCH] Remove SH_USE_BSD_ECHO autoconf test.

25.12.2016, 21:07, "Bart Schaefer" <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Dec 25, 2:33am, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
> }
> } This output shows that the debian package of zsh is not reproducible
> } (in the sense of https://www.reproducible-builds.org/ - bit-for-bit
> } identical artifacts). because it contains config.h whose contents
> } depend on what /bin/sh is at build time.
> IMO this is just stupid. config.h is not an output of the build, it's
> an intermediate step which in this case is irrelevant. It shouldn't
> have been included in the checksum in the first place -- or conversely
> it shouldn't have been included in the debian package.
> Further the whole point of "configure" is to produce results that might
> vary based on the buid environment. Reproducibility should only apply
> downstream of configuration, if it's to have any value at all.

It is not. config.h is output of the build because it is required to build third-party modules because you can’t #include zsh header files without having config.h saved somewhere.

Basically it appeared in the package some time after zpython module was rejected from inclusion in core.

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