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Re: [BUG] SIGSEGV under certain circumstances

Bart Schaefer wrote on Sun, Mar 05, 2017 at 13:45:13 -0800:
> [Somebody will have to explain to me why (mp += cl) makes sense, as that
> seems to be using a byte count to increment a (Cmatcher*), but it's done
> in several places.]

[ Context: this is about cfp_matcher_pats(). ]

Using a byte count to modify a pointer, in itself, is fine.  It's just
pointer arithmetic that makes the pointer 'mp' point at a different
element of the array 'ms'.

The part that confuses me is why the line says 'mp += cl' rather than
simply 'mp++'.  The inner loop executes precisely 'zl' times (because
the loop variable, 'tl', is initialized to 'al' and skips Meta bytes),
and 'mp' points into an array of size 'zl'.

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