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[BUG] region_highlight+=( "$start $end standout" ) doesn't work as expected

if the first character at which "$start $end standout" should be
applied, i.e. $start character, is already highlighted, the style
standout will not be applied to it:


Confirmation: If I manually force F-Sy-H code to clear previous
region_highlight content's before appliying "$start $end standout" to
region_highlight, then everything works – i.e. also $start character
is highlighted:


So basically the problem is: no standout-highlighting of $start
character if region_highlight has already an entry covering the $start

I.e. region_highlight+=( "$start $end standout" ) will not work for
$start character.

A more permanent link for the gifs:

Sebastian Gniazdowski
News: https://twitter.com/ZdharmaI
IRC: https://kiwiirc.com/client/chat.freenode.net:+6697/#zplugin
Blog: http://zdharma.org

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