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Re: Aliases that ignore "noaliases"

2024-04-01 12:59:09 -0700, Bart Schaefer:
> There are some cases where it would be nice to be able to declare an
> alias that "always works".  The most obvious recent example would be
>   alias nameref='typeset -n'

For the record, ksh used to have a number of builtin aliases,
but they were causing all sort of problems including breaking
POSIX compliance as things like

suspend() { ...; }

for instance would fail (as suspend used to be defined as a
suspend='kill -s STOP $$' (yes, with the missing quotes around
$$ (!), see https://github.com/att/ast/issues/10)

So they were eventually changed to being separate builtins (on
my request IIRC, though I can't find the bug report any

TLDR, I think zsh should avoid having builtin aliases.


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