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Re: Bug report; git tab-completion on macOS within paths containing unicode characters

> 2024/04/29 4:01、Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>のメール:
> <__git_files.txt>

With this patch, 'git add t<TAB>' apparently works, but
_complete_debug indicates that the problem still remains.

In __git_files (called from __git_other_files), 'git ls-files'
is called two times.
The first one is (omitting a few irrelevant options):
    git ls-files --others -- ':\(icase\)\''/path/to/ü/test2/t\''\*'
and this gives nothing (no files, no error messages).
Then __git_files tries the second call:
    git ls-files --others --
and this returns 'test.txt'. But this returns only the files in
the current directory and its subdirectories. So if we are in a
subdirectory then files in the top directory are not listed.

I tried
    git ls-files path
with path in both in NFC and NFD (by using $'\x..'), but both
didn't work.
I guess this is a problem of git itself.

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