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Re: array with newlines preserved as literal text

On 2021-02-02 6:21 p.m., Bart Schaefer wrote:
_fn2hist() {
   emulate -L zsh
   local cmd=$1
   if [[ -n $functions[$cmd] ]]
     print -rS "${$(functions -x 2 $cmd)#$cmd} ${${(qq)@}}"
   $cmd "$@"

Intended to be used like this:

myfn() { : do whatever myfn does }
alias myfn='_fn2hist myfn'
Cool.  Only thing is that when you pop it out of history it contains the '_fn2hist' as well as the subsequent command.  This could obviate all my " alias g='noglob _g' " stuff. Can the function and its tail be saved to a variable instead of to history?  Mind I'm being lazy I'm sure I can figure that out easy enough. Seems '(qq)' is our friend there for keeping things unexpanded.

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