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Re: Best practices for managing aliases in ohmyzsh?

Steve Dondley <s@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I switched to zsh last week and learning the ropes. My .zshrc is
> quickly growing out of hand.
> I'm using omyzsh and just learned that functions should got into a
> ~/.oh-my-zsh/functions where they are autoloaded.
> Now I'm wondering if there is some similar mechanism for adding
> aliases with ohmyzsh. If not, what's everyone else doing who has a
> couple hundred aliases.

I'm a little curious, how do you remember a couple hundred aliases? I
just took a look, I have 61 but with a quick and generous count I think
I use at most 23 of those even occasionally. Some of the aliases are
really old, like, say an alias to backup my Palm Pilot? Um. I guess I
should really clean up here.

But, I have a global zshrc that has my common settings and functions and
most common aliases too and then a few more in ~/.aliases.zsh which I
source from the main zshrc if it exists.

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