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Re: Bug in { completion's comma removal

On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 09:07:19PM +0100, Mikael Magnusson wrote:
> While we're talking about {}, it also doesn't work so well on
> filenames with spaces

I haven't seen any problems with spaces as long as you put a backslash
in front of each one (which is what the completion of a filename with
spaces will automatically add).  This is to be expected because a
command-line of "f{oo bar,oo-baz}" (without the quotes) is really two
args (neither one valid in syntax), but adding a backslash before the
space makes it a single arg that will expand into two, "foo\ bar" and

> and there's no way (that i've figured out) to escape a comma inside
> the braces.

Yes, this is a problem when completing and expanding in zle.  It does
appear to work fine in the shell itself:

    % echo ba{r\,1,z\,2}
    bar,1 baz,2

However, when completing a filename with a comma inside an open {, zsh
does not add a backslash before the comma, and it strips any existing
backslash before a comma (e.g. pressing <TAB> on the above term would
incorrectly expand the line into "echo bar ba1 baz ba2").


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