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Re: Unicode, Korean, normalization form, Mac OS X and tab completion

On Jun 3, 12:27am, Kwon Yeolhyun wrote:
} Subject: Re: Unicode, Korean, normalization form, Mac OS X and tab complet
} +/Users/yeolhyunkwon/.pyenv/shims/virtualenvwrapper.sh:20> export 'PYENV_ROOT=/Users/yeolhyunkwon/.pyenv'
} +/Users/yeolhyunkwon/.pyenv/shims/virtualenvwrapper.sh:21> /usr/local/Cellar/pyenv/20140520/libexec/pyenv exec virtualenvwrapper.sh
} hm...does pyenv seem to be suspicious?

The "exec" in there is a little suspicious.  I don't use virtualenvwrapper
myself but the docs for it say to read it with "source".

Just saw your mail about reinstalling oh-my-zsh, so I'm going to assume
that's cleared up.

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