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Re: history-incremental-search-backward weird behavior for multiline commands in 5.0.x

On Wed, 16 Jul 2014 09:10:07 -0700
Bart Schaefer <schaefer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hmm, it looks like history loading may be mis-handling the case of an
> INTENTIONAL backslash-newline pair.  This gets stored in the history
> file as e.g.
> echo foo \\
>  bar
> This is then re-loaded as the two lines
> echo foo \\
> (note the backslash is still doubled, though it was not when it was
> originally input) and
>  bar
> which obviously is wrong.  I'm not sure whether the fix is to store
> it with three backslashes, or to parse it differently on load, or both.

I think the load parsing must be broken --- I'm pretty sure it always
used doubled backslashes to signal this and it obviously used to work.


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