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PATCH: More useful setopt / unsetopt completion

It was bothering me that setopt nono<tab> showed every options with
nono prefixed which isn't even valid, instead of completing nonomatch
and nonotify. I think this will be more helpful. I noticed that the
whole _options_set / _options_unset thing is pointless now that we have
_comp_caller_options, so maybe I'll post a followup patch adjusting the
documentation and removing those.

(and speaking of completion options, rcexpandparam is set, so $^ isn't
needed below)

 Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt   | 22 ++++++++++++++--------
 Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt | 10 ----------
 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt

diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt
index f72c20d..e558b12 100644
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt
+++ b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
-#compdef setopt
+#compdef setopt unsetopt
-# If you first want to complete only unset options, un-comment the lines
-# setting the _options_unset  array and then use:
-#   _options_unset || _options
-# here.
+local expl ret=1
+local -a onopts offopts
+onopts=( ${(k)_comp_caller_options[(R)on]} )
+offopts=( ${(k)_comp_caller_options[(R)off]} )
+case $service in
+  setopt) onopts=(no$onopts) ;;
+  unsetopt) offopts=(no$offopts) ;;
+_wanted zsh-options expl 'zsh options (set)' \
+    compadd -J 'enabled options' -M 'M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' -k - onopts && ret=0
+_wanted zsh-options expl 'zsh options (unset)' \
+    compadd -J 'disabled options' -M 'M:_= M:{A-Z}={a-z}' -k - offopts && ret=0
+return ret
diff --git a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt b/Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt
deleted file mode 100644
index 75a33e9..0000000
--- a/Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#compdef unsetopt
-# If you first want to complete only unset options, uncomment the lines
-# setting the _options_set  array and then use:
-#   _options_set || _options
-# here.

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