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Re: Fwd: In Vi mode, show whether "insert" or "command" state is active

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 2:58 AM, Nathan Schwarz <nathan@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This is already possible.

I know that it's already possible.  The feature request was not asking
you to make mode indication _possible_:  it was asking you to make it
please happen _by default_.  :)

You don't have to make it happen using a cursor change.  You can
choose whatever method you like.  May I suggest that you do things the
same way Bash's 'show-mode-in-prompt' feature does things:  add a
colon to the beginning of the prompt in vicmd mode; add a plus sign in
viins mode.

> For the blinking-cursor-stuff you can use this:
> [...]

Good to know; thank you.

> Ps: Sorry for double-sending Jason, I replied to you instead of replying to the ml.

No worries.

On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Oliver Kiddle <okiddle@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> However, you will need to ensure that the cursor is always reset when a
> line is accepted. Most reliable place to do that appears to be POSTEDIT:
>   POSTEDIT+=$'\e[2 q'

Thank you Oliver.

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