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Re: Slurping a file

On Tue, Jan 16, 2024, at 9:37 AM, Ray Andrews wrote:
> BTW there's a perhaps related issue: I almost always get two
> copies of every post, one will have the option of 'reply to list'
> the other: 'reply to all'.

This happens when someone addresses both you and the list, as I am
doing now.  One copy is delivered by the list, while the other is
delivered to you directly.  You can verify this by inspecting the
message headers.

> I'm in the habit of automatically deleting the second -- which,
> now that I think about it tend to come first.

The list adds a noticeable delay to delivery, so the direct copy
will almost always beat out the list copy.

> I'd prefer to only get one copy.

Some list software [*] can be configured to suppress the list copy
if your address is in To or Cc, but ours (Sympa) doesn't seem to
have that feature.

If your client can deduplicate messages (based on Message-Id,
perhaps), you could take advantage of that.  Otherwise, you could
write a rule that automatically deletes messages that contain
"zsh-users@xxxxxxx" in To or Cc but were not sent by the list (e.g.,
they lack a List-Id header).  This would delete direct copies unless
the sender put the list on Bcc.

Finally, you could beg everyone to reply to ONLY the list and NOT
to you and hope no one ever forgets.  Maybe mention it in your
signature or something.

  [*]: https://docs.mailman3.org/en/latest/userguide.html#how-can-i-avoid-getting-duplicate-messages


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