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RE: New compinstall and bindkey

> Firstly, the new compinstall doesn't seem to work very will when the
> functions have been installed in subdirectories: It refuses to accepy
> /usr/local/share/zsh/functions as the directory containing the
> functions. I don't quite understand the reasoning behind making compinit
> an autoloaded function which is unloaded. I'd prefer to have it in
> /usr/local/share/zsh/functions and not in my fpath. Is it faster as a
> function?

The reason I  didn't like sourcing compinit was that I hate to have any
dependencies on local installation place. Making it autoloaded function makes it

autoload compinit; compinit

As I finally pointed out, there are other ways. One possibility is to define
parameter (say, COMPINIT) that holds full pathname of compinit (if it was
installed). In this case you could use

[[ -n "$COMPINIT" ]] && source "$COMPINIT"

I don't actualy care which one is used.

> How do I bind a key to insert a new-line without doing an accept-line.
> In the zed function it is done with bindkey "^M" self-insert-unmeta but
> this binds it to return. I was hoping to bind it to Alt-Return.

Hmmm ... in command line editing multiline input I can insert new line by
pressing ^V^J.


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