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Re: PATCH: isearch match highlighting

On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Peter Stephenson wrote:
> "Matt Wozniski" wrote:
>  > zsh -f
>  > bindkey -e
>  > ^Rb
>  > and the shell goes into a tight loop, using 100% of one of my cores,
>  > and won't die to anything less than a kill -9.
>  Oops.  pos wasn't yet updated.

Yep, works now - and looks very nice, though I wonder if we could set
it up in a way that would let us change the fg or bg color of the
text, rather than just reverse/standout/underline?

That said, I found a regression in history-incremental-search-backward
that's in CVS but not 4.3.6, so my guess is that it's caused by
something in this patch (though I didn't back this patch out to
double-check that assumption - I'm not very good at working with CVS).

zsh -f
mastermind% bindkey -e
mastermind% ^R-ff^H^He
failing bck-i-search: -e_
if you backspace again and retype the e, it changes to a succeeding bck-i-search
then, ^G and do
mastermind% ^R-f^He
bck-i-search: -e_

So, whatever the bug is, it seems to require more than one backspace
to trigger it for some reason...


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