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Re: SSH hostname completion with common suffix and globcomplete inserts characters

> % ssh -F ssh_config2 -test-|.foo.bar
> and a second invocation of the completion will then use the "-t" at the
> beginning (for "escape character (or `none')").
> Should this get quoted on expansion to prevent this?

This would need to be escaped using a backslash at the beginning:

  ssh -F ssh_config2 \-test-.foo.bar

> When quoting it manually, I see a similar issue as described before (see
> below), where
>   ssh -F ssh_config2 '-test-<TAB>.foo.bar'
> gets expanded to
>   ssh -F ssh_config2 '-test-BR.foo.bar'
> (without the globcomplete option though!)

The insertion of "BR" does not happen with "zsh -f" though.  It is
caused by matcher-list zstyle setting in my config: 'r:|[._-]=*'

My full setting (based on the one from oh-my-zsh):

  zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{[:lower:]}={[:upper:]}' \
    'm:{[:upper:]}={[:lower:]}' 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'

While looking at it, it seems like 'r:|[._-]=* r:|=*' is redundant, but
the "COMPLETION MATCHING CONTROL" section in zshcompwid(1) is not really

For some other reason I cannot reproduce the issue of "BR" being
inserted when using ssh_config2 with "zsh -f" just by using the same
matcher-list zstyle config.

> On 17.08.2016 21:16, Daniel Hahler wrote:
>> When using TAB completion (via expand-or-complete, and "setopt
>> globcomplete") on a partial hostname where alternatives with a common
>> suffix exist, the second invocation of TAB will insert some character(s)
>> that make it fail to complete afterwards.
>> % autoload -Uz compinit
>> % compinit
>> % echo "Host test-05827d88.foo.bar test-6cae9ce0.foo.bar" > ssh_config
>> % setopt globcomplete
>> With
>> % ssh -F ssh_config test-<TAB>
>> You will get:
>> % ssh -F ssh_config test-|.foo.bar
>> Pressing TAB again results in:
>> % ssh -F ssh_config test-|BR.foo.bar
>> The characters being inserted seem to come from the "bar".
>> With ".dot.com" at the end I am seeing "CM" being inserted.
>> With "Host test-05.dot.com test-6c.dot.com" however "D" is being
>> inserted.
>> And with a single TLD (i.e. "test-05827d88.com test-6cae9ce0.com") it
>> works.
>> In _ssh_hosts the following is used, which seems to be relevant, since
>> the inserted characters are uppercased:
>>     compadd -M 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z} r:|.=* r:|=*' "$@" $config_hosts
>> zsh 5.2-dev-1, 062aeca.
>> Thanks,
>> Daniel.

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