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Re: SH_GLOB influence on a script and on an autoload function

On Sep 7, 12:39pm, Sebastian Gniazdowski wrote:
} It seems that pat="<full-featured zsh pattern here>" and then using
} GLOB_SUBST via $~pat with SH_GLOB temporarily turned off should solve this?
} But what about (N[1]) etc. modifiers...

If SH_GLOB is turned off, glob qualifiers are handled like any other
part of the pattern, so no difference here.

I'm thinking about a far away
} possibility that one could fully work with emulate sh, having completions
} not reporting errors.

I've lost track of this thread.  What present error is being addressed?
Seems to me that completion uses zsh syntax internally, so you'd be more
likely to have an error in the other direction, i.e., the command line
expects SH_GLOB but the internals treat it like zsh ...?

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