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Re: Can't tell the difference in operation between PATH_SCRIPT and NO_PATH_SCRIPT

On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 8:17 PM Steve Dondley <s@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I see ZDOTDIR listed in the “Parameters” chapter. I have no idea
> what a “Parameter” is.

Consider a cookie recipe that starts with "Cream the butter and sugar
until light and fluffy." It assumes a basic understanding of baking
techniques. Similarly, the zsh documentation, with terms like
"Parameter", presupposes basic shell knowledge. It's geared towards
those who have this baseline, much like the recipe book is for those
with rudimentary cooking skills.

> But my main point is that it feels like the documentation makes the
> assumption you know how a typical shell works and that you are
> familiar with the many common features between the different kinds
> of shells.

Your observation is correct. All documentation, including zsh's, must
assume some level of prior knowledge. When our understanding doesn't
meet this level, it can be challenging and frustrating, but we can
bridge this gap through other resources. On the other hand, if the
documentation were too basic, covering familiar ground, it would be
inefficient for advanced users, leaving them to sift through redundant


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