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Re: Can't tell the difference in operation between PATH_SCRIPT and NO_PATH_SCRIPT

> I agree that your version would be better for someone unfamiliar with
> this concept. But can you see that it might be less efficient for
> someone who already understands it? And consider where to draw the
> line with foundational explanations. Should we also explain what $HOME
> is, what a directory means, or what 'consult' implies?

You are right. It’s a judgement call and you have to draw the line somewhere. 

What I’m saying I’ve been using shells since the late 90s. I know some things but there’s still a lot I don’t know because I never studied shells in any detail.

If a manual can’t help a user like me or if I find it frustrating to read and use it, I’d have to say it is probably erring in the direction of being to concise. That might be great fo the 10% of users who are hard core developers doing all kinds of fancy things. But in my opinion it should also strive to help reach a wider audience that use a shell as a means to a different end.

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